How to prepare your child for school the first week of school:
1. Get plenty of rest! Change your schedule for the school year!
2. Breakfast is available from 7:00-7:45. Students will eat breakfast and lunch in the cafeteria.
3. Your child MAY bring a healthy lunch and snack.
4. The school has water bottle water filling stations, so students should bring a water bottle daily.
5. Bring supplies which will be assigned to your child. Please make sure your child has headphones for MAP testing.
6. Wear school uniform daily. Notify Sonya Nelson, school counselor at
[email protected] if you need assistance with uniforms.
7. Make sure your teacher knows how your child gets home and any medications/allergies.
8. Students will be assigned a Chromebook to use at school.
9. STAR folders come home on Thursdays with student work, flyers, and important information from the school.