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Schools Closed- Asynchronous Learning Day/ All Activities and Athletics Cancelled 1/22/25

Huntley Hills Elementary

Dekalb County Schools

About Us

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Huntley Hills School envisions a safe, nurturing, and unified community where children take responsibility for their learning.
The mission of Huntley Hills School is to empower students to become independent, responsible, and productive members of society.   

<font size=5>History of Huntley Hills

The Huntley Hills neighborhood was established in the early 1960's. The school was opened on August 21, 1964 with an enrollment of 499 pupils. It had 15 classrooms and one principal. The school consisted of grades one through seven.

An addition of 19 rooms was completed in 1967. In the late 60s, the school's population increased to 1,000 students. However, by 1983, the student population settled in the high 200's. Since 2008, the enrollment hovers between 450 - 500.

Huntley Hills was named a "Five Star School" in 1998 by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution because its students consistently exceeded performance expectations.  In 1999, Huntley Hills ranked in the top 10% of elementary schools in the state of Georgia for scores on the 5th grade portion of the Iowa tests of Basic Skills. 

The year 2000 brought a new roof and a new gym to the Tiger's turf, as well as the initiation of the public Montessori program. This program, one of the first of its kind in metropolitan Atlanta, educates students in multi-age learning communities according to the guidelines and philosophies of Dr. Maria Montessori.

Also during the 2000-2001 school year, Huntley Hills secured a state grant called "Project WINning Team." This focused on including students of all abilities in every aspect of the school's programs. This special grant provided the necessary staff development and training so that teachers, aides, and administrators could effectively implement all aspects of an inclusive education.

Currently, inclusion is still a focus for the school. Huntley Hills was named a "Project Wins" school during 2003-2004 and prides itself because of its successes with inclusion.

Huntley Hills was very proud to be designated a Distinguished AYP school in 2005 and has maintained that status since first awarded.  2008 welcomed the addition of Nancy Creek students and teachers. Due to the Superintendent's Redistricting Plan, the consolidation also brought 2 full time ESOL teachers, as well as including Spanish into our curriculum.  In 2009, Huntley Hills was identified as a Distinguished Title I School and the school maintains that status in 2010 -2011.
In 2013, Huntley Hills began its journey to STEM certification.  We achieved that goal in may of 2016 and are now working to round out our STEM program.

<font size=5>Huntley Hills Montessori

"Metro Atlanta's first public Montessori Program"
During the 2000-2001 school year, the Dekalb County School System opened its primary Montessori Program at Briar Vista, Midway, and Huntley Hills Elementary schools.  The program was serving pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, and first grade students but was expanded to include second grade students during the 2002-2003 school term.  After that time, a new grade was added each year.  Montessori services are now provided for PreKindergarten through fifth grade students.  
Specially trained Montessori teachers provide instruction to students using teaching strategies and materials based upon Montessori principles including multi-age, non-graded groupings; child-centered, interdisciplinary and individualized instruction; appreciation for diversity and world peace; and respect for self and others.