Huntley Hills Elementary

Dekalb County Schools

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Register for Tiger Time!
If you are interested in registering
for the after school program
"Tiger Time," you will need to
download this this document
Please read the document and
fill out the form that is included
on page 2.  Bring the form with
you when you come to the school. 

Questions?  You may contact the
Office at 678-676-7402 or visit the
NEW! 2024- 2025 School Year:
MySchoolBucks Online Platform
Parents pay online through!

A non-refundable registration fee is
assessed at the time of application to
reserve space in the ASEDP and assist
the school with obtaining start-up materials.

Registration Fees: 
$25.00 per child
$40.00 for two children
$65.00 for three children
$90.00 for four children.
Huntley Hills- Tigerthon
Now through March 29th
Dr. Bradshaw’s Principal Newsletters
Everything you need to know for the new school year!

Summer Reading Lists
Find your student's Grade Level and see what books they can be reading this summer!

Huntley Hills PTA